Karla Norquist

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Essential Oil Painting Supplies for Beginners
Oil painting can be an incredibly rewarding and creative hobby. With just a few basic supplies, you can get started on your first painting. This list will show you what you need to get started. It doesn't take much! All you need is the right paints, brushes, canvas...
Inside the Studio: Charlie Painting Process and Video
We could all use a group of friends like Lindsey's group of friends. They commissioned me on her behalf so they could surprise her with a portrait of her beautiful dog Charlie. For no other reason than that they wanted to do something nice for her and she'd mentioned...
Inside the Studio: Watson Painting Process and Video
When I paint I like to plan it out so I know the overall direction--even the end result--before I get started. If I ever get stuck I can refer to my original notes and blaze a clear path forward. Occasionally, I'll let the process be more open-ended and let the...
Inside the Studio: Chief Painting Process and Video
This post marks an exciting milestone for me. It's my first painting time-lapse video! So glad to be able to capture the whole process of my paintings and share them in an easy to consume format. I think it really shows how my paintings develop over the course of...
Play All Day Doggie Daycare Giveaway Winner & Painting
During the month of August in 2019 I partnered with Play All Day Doggie Daycare. We held a giveaway in their storefront for a free pet portrait. Entries were written on a piece of paper and placed in a fishbowl. At the end of the month we streamed a live video online...
2019 Winter Giveaway Announcement
In the fourth quarter of 2019 I ran my pet portrait giveaway. One lucky winner would be contacted in January 2020 and the prize painting would commence. That time has come and gone and the lucky winner has since received their painting. So today I'm announcing the...