Today we’re looking back to recap and recognize the 2019 Fall Giveaway Winner! As you’ve likely noticed if you’ve visited my site before, I will occasionally put on giveaways. The giveaways are absolutely free to enter and all I ask in return is that you share the giveaway page and if you win that you also share a testimonial and a photo of you with the painting once you receive it.
But enough contest details, let’s see who won the Fall 2019 giveaway!
The Fall 2019 Giveaway Winner was: Lillie Ruby!
The winner of the 2019 Fall Giveaway was Lillie Ruby from New York! Lillie asked for a portrait of her pitbull, May Belle. Lillie told me how she was thrilled to get a portrait of May Belle. She had experienced the loss of May Belle’s brother, Miles, last year. She had a portrait of Miles done when he was younger and still has had that painting as a reminder of him. That sentiment made it all the more special that May Belle would also be showered in attention in the same way.

Lillie sent me some lovely photos of May Belle and the work began. As you can see, May Belle is primarily a black dog which are notoriously hard to photograph. I ended up choosing this photo which is appropriately named “Bat Ears.” I chose this photo because it has a lot of personality. There’s also an element of candidness that feels intimate and genuine. When there’s absence of details (i.e. working with a dark subject) it’s important the character still comes through.
About the Painting: May Belle

The goal was to reduce a lot of the visual noise and bring May Belle into focus. This meant toning down the red in the hardwood floor, and color correcting the warm lighting. Shadows were darkened and temperatures were adjusted. It all came together in this final painting. Overall I think this painting feels charming and intimate. It has a special vintage feel about it that I think matches May Belle’s sweet disposition.
This painting was challenging for me both technically and personally. From the technical standpoint manipulating lighting and color is always tricky. At a certain point you have to commit to a painting strategy without second guessing yourself. With that said I am very happy with the end result. This painting also challenged me personally because I got the flu while working on it. At the time I was working on multiple paintings and getting new commissions for the holiday season. I watched my work bottleneck while physically unable to rise to the occasion. Eventually I recovered, caught up on work, and everything resumed as normal.
Lillie sent me a glowing email when she received the painting. She absolutely loved it! She loved it so much I can’t even share what she said because of the “descriptive language” she used in the email. To summarize, it was very well received. In the end Lillie told me that the wait was suspenseful but well worth it. ❤️
Be sure to enter for your chance to win next time!
Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway! Future giveaways, blog posts, and artwork are posted on my social media channels. Keep up to date by signing up for my newsletter, follow on Instagram, and like my page on Facebook!